Guide to posting your documents
- Keep photocopies of ALL documents that you are posting. Put your name and CAO number on every document you send.
- Get proof of postage each time you are posting documentation.
- You can get a certificate of postage from An Post. For your convenience, there are four certificates of postage slips pre-printed on the back cover of the CAO Handbook. Just ask the teller in An Post to stamp one of the certificates when you are sending your documentation.
- For confirmation that the documents you posted arrived safely in CAO, enclose a stamped, self-addressed postcard with your documentation.
- Submit all supporting documents to the CAO, Tower House, Eglinton Street, Galway before 15 March 2024.

Do I have everything I need?

When should I apply?
Follow this link for all of the key dates and deadlines for your applications
Application Guides, Resources and Forms
Check out this page for printable resources to help support your HEAR application
Terms and Conditions of Applications
For more information, contact the Access Office in one of the participating colleges