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Developmental Co-ordination Disorder (DCD) – Dyspraxia

Please note that a stand-alone diagnosis of “dysgraphia” is not accepted for DARE. It will be considered if it is presenting as part of/ as a result of DCD or Specific Learning Difficulty (SLD; including dyslexia and dyscalculia).


Appropriate Professional Occupational Therapist OR Chartered Physiotherapist OR Neurologist OR Paediatrician
Type of Documentation Required Complete the Evidence of Disability Form 2025 OR submit an existing report completed by an Occupational Therapist OR Chartered Physiotherapist OR Neurologist OR Paediatrician that contains the same detail as the Evidence of Disability Form 2025. The report must be signed AND submitted on the headed paper (OR stamped OR accompanied by a business card). The report must clearly state difficulties from childhood or provide evidence detailing the long-standing presence of Developmental Co-ordination Disorder (DCD; including dyspraxia), and that the applicant is presenting with difficulties that have impacted on home and school.
Required Age of Report There is no age limit on the report from the Occupational Therapist OR Chartered Physiotherapist OR Neurologist OR Paediatrician.
Other Disabilities Submit an Evidence of Disability Form for each disability/ condition to be considered.
Educational Impact Statement (EIS) The Educational Impact Statement allows you and your school to provide detail of how your disability has impacted on your second level experience. The EIS is a requirement for all applicants.
DARE Eligibility

A report from an Occupational Therapist OR Chartered Physiotherapist OR Neurologist OR Paediatrician of any age, which clearly states that the applicant presents with difficulties consistent with Developmental Co-Ordination Disorder (DCD; including dyspraxia). Where the Occupational Therapist or Chartered Physiotherapist determines that a neurology and/or general ability assessment are required but does not have the results of these when completing the report, a statement which clearly states that the applicant presents with difficulties consistent with Developmental Co-Ordination Disorder (DCD; including dyspraxia) is sufficient.

AND the applicant meets any combination of two educational impact indicators from Indicators 1 to 5 on the EIS.ucational impact indicators from Indicators 1 to 5 on the EIS. 

For more information, contact the Access Office in one of the participating colleges

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