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Dyslexia/ Significant Literacy Difficulties

NOTE: DARE has replaced its SpLD category. We have now created two new expanded categories in its place:
• Dyslexia / Significant Literacy Difficulties (detailed below), and;
• Dyscalculia / Significant Numeracy Difficulties

Applicants with Dyslexia / Significant Literacy Difficulties can apply to DARE in two ways 
A: Applicants who have a Psychological Assessment Report identifying Dyslexia (read screening criteria A)
B: Applicants who have Significant Literacy Difficulties but do NOT have a Psychological Assessment Report identifying Dyslexia (read screening criteria B)


SCREENING CRITERIA  A: Applicants who have a Psychological Assessment Report identifying Dyslexia 
Appropriate Professional Appropriately qualified Psychologist
Type of Documentation Required A Psychological Assessment Report identifying Dyslexia, as described in the DARE 2025 Information for Psychologists . All tests used must be current, valid, reliable, and age appropriate. Performance should be reported as standard scores and percentile points; age equivalent scores are not acceptable. Score ranges and descriptive ranges alone are not sufficient. Where these are reported alone, the candidate may be made ineligible. Psychologists should consult the DARE 2025 Information for Psychologists.
Required Age of Report There is no age limit on diagnostic evidence submitted.
Other Disabilities Submit an Evidence of Disability Form for each disability/ condition to be considered.
Educational Impact Statement (EIS) The Educational Impact Statement allows you and your school to provide detail of how your disability has impacted on your second level experience. The EIS is a requirement for all applicants.
DARE Eligibility In addition to a Psychological Assessment Report of any age completed by a psychologist which clearly states a diagnosis of dyslexia, applicants MUST also have two literacy attainment scores at or below the 10th percentile (Standard Score of 81 or below).
The scores of the attainment testing may be presented in one of the following three ways:
1. Schools: Attainment scores can be entered into Indicator 6 by the school using attainment scores from school-based testing carried out on or after 1 February 2023.
2. Psychologist: Where the attainment scores are from tests carried out by a suitably qualified psychologist, one of the following must be submitted:
• A full Psychological Assessment Report which contains relevant attainment scores from testing carried out on or after 1 February 2023 OR
• A fully completed DARE 2025  Literacy/Numeracy Attainment Summary Sheet or an equivalent summary report from a Psychologist.
1. Combination: Where a combination of scores from psychologist and school-based testing is being reported, all scores can be entered into Indicator 6 by the school but this must be accompanied by one of the documents listed in point 2 above.
In all cases, testing must have been carried out on or after 1 February 2023 and all applicants must submit an Educational Impact Statement completed by their school.
The applicant may be eligible once satisfactory documents have been submitted to DARE, which confirm:
Educational Impact Indicator 6: Attainment at or below the 10th percentile/SS 81 in two literacy areas from:
• Reading accuracy
• Single word reading
• Reading comprehension
• Phonological skills/ Pseudoword Decoding
• Reading speed/ fluency
• Spelling
• Writing speed
one other indicator from educational impact indicators 1 to 5 to meet the DARE educational impact criteria.

SCREENING CRITERIA B: Applicants who have Significant Literacy Difficulties but do NOT have a Psychological Assessment Report identifying Dyslexia
Appropriate Professional Special Educational Needs (SEN) Teacher and countersigned by Principal/Deputy Principal
Type of Documentation Required

Submit a fully completed Section D: School Statement confirming that the applicant has a record of school-based interventions addressing persistent literacy difficulties. This statement must be confirmed by the Signature of the schools SEN and countersigned by Principal/Deputy Principal and include the school stamp.

Please note that this documentation should be a reflection of persistent literacy issues as opposed to issues relating to English as a second language.

Required Age of Report There is no age limit on diagnostic evidence submitted.
Other Disabilities Submit an Evidence of Disability Form for each disability/ condition to be considered.
Educational Impact Statement (EIS) The Educational Impact Statement allows you and your school to provide detail of how your disability has impacted on your second level experience. The EIS is a requirement for all applicants.
DARE Eligibility

Applicants MUST also have two literacy attainment scores at or below the 10th percentile (Standard Score of 81 or below). Literacy/Numeracy
Attainment scores can be entered into Indicator 6 by the school using attainment scores from school-based testing carried out on or after 1 February 2023.
The applicant may be eligible once satisfactory documents have been submitted to DARE, which confirm:
Educational Impact Indicator 6: Attainment at or below the 10th percentile/SS 81 in two literacy areas from:
• Reading accuracy
• Single word reading
• Reading comprehension
• Phonological skills/ Pseudoword Decoding
• Reading speed/ fluency
• Spelling
• Writing speed
one other indicator from educational impact indicators 1 to 5 to meet the DARE educational impact criteria.

For more information, contact the Access Office in one of the participating colleges

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