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Guide to posting your documents

Guide to posting your documents Keep photocopies of ALL documents that you are posting. Put your name and CAO number on every document you send.

Guide to posting your documents

Guide to posting your documents Keep photocopies of ALL documents that you are posting. Put your name and CAO number on every document you send.

Carrying Forward Eligibility

Carrying forward eligibility from 2023 to 2024 Please only complete this section if you applied to AND were eligible for DARE last year. Eligibility for


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Speech and Language Communication Disorder

(Including (but not exclusively) Stammering; Receptive and/or Expressive Language Disorders; Unintelligibility due to a phonological disorder, articulation disorder associated with structural anomalies; Acquired communication disorders

Significant Ongoing Illness

(Including (but not exclusively) Diabetes Type 1, Cystic Fibrosis (CF), Severe Crohn’s Disease, Severe Ulcerative Colitis and Irritable Bowel Disease (IBD), Chronic Fatigue, Cancers(including those

Physical Disability

This category of DARE is reserved for those with significant mobility difficulties. For example applications for those with Hypermobility or Costochondritis may be considered for

Mental Health Condition

(Including (but not exclusively) Bipolar Disorder, Schizophrenia, Clinical Depressive Conditions, Severe Anxiety, Severe Phobias, OCD, Severe Eating Disorders, Psychosis). Appropriate Professional Consultant Psychiatrist on Specialist