Find out how you can access higher education in Ireland

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Steps to making an application

Application Timeline From6 November 2023 By1 February 2024 By1 March 2024 By15 March 2024 April – June 2024 Late June 2024 Early August 2024 August


Testimonials The Higher Education Access Route (HEAR) is a higher education admissions scheme for Leaving Certificate students (under 23) whose economic or social background are

Participating Colleges

Do you have a question for us? All participating colleges have a staff member who would be happy to advise you on how to apply

Application Guides, Resources and Forms

Application Guides, Resources and Forms Click here for some resources to help to you make a successful application Supporting Documentation and Forms 2024 HEAR Handbook

Application Timeline

When should I apply? You can apply at from 6 November but you should start to review the HEAR Handbook with your parent(s)/guardian(s) as

Application Checklist

Do I have everything I need? You can use this page to work out what types of documents you need to supply.  Remember your supporting

Eligibility Criteria

Who is the HEAR access route for? HEAR is for school leavers under the age of 23 as of 1 January 2024 who are resident

Frequently Asked Questions

Quick, simple answers to your questions about HEAR Here you will find the answers to questions we get asked the most about HEAR applications General

News & Events

News and Events On this page, you can find the details about events we run to connect with people making an application to HEAR. You

How do I apply?

How do I apply to HEAR? Review the HEAR Handbook and the application timeline with your parent(s)/guardian(s) and/or your school’s Guidance Counsellor. From 6 November

What is HEAR?

What is HEAR? The Higher Education Access Route (HEAR) is a higher education admissions scheme for Leaving Certificate students (under 23) whose economic or social